PAC Events and Programs
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(All times are Central Time unless otherwise stated. Event date and time subject to change. Please check back for updates to our calendar.)
If any accessibility requirements need to be addressed, please reach out to the Prairie Arts Council one week before the event so accommodations can be met, including accommodations for the blind, deaf, and mobility impaired. You can leave a message with the office at 219-866-5278 or contact us by email.

RCHS Student Art Show
Rensselaer Central High School is hosting its annual Art Show, sponsored by the art department and teacher, Mrs. Kelley Spurgeon! Come support all of our art students and our featured seniors by coming to see their amazing art throughout their years! Displays will be set up throughout the halls of RCHS. Featured artists will be selling some of their artwork.
Art show is open to the public. Please join us!
Friday, May 10th, 7pm - 9pm & Saturday, May 11th, 2pm - 4pm